Tuesday, December 1, 2009

PayPal Challenge

The competition is starting to heat up on the husband & wife front of Jeffy(aka Ralphie) and Ellen...

Jeffy(aka Ralphie) is still in the lead with 10 PayPal Donations...the KPIG listeners are certainly coming through for Ralphie!
Ellen is making a mad dash for 2nd with 4 PayPal Donations.
Debbie remains at 1 PayPal Donation.
Bill & The Waltons remain at 1 PayPal Donation as well...though if I count all the test donations Bill did they could be in 2nd place.

Meggie offered to make 11 donations and put me in the lead...but I figured since I'm the contest organizer I should be excluded from the challenge...but that doesn't mean you can't donate! :)

There's still time! Donations received by December 31st are tax-deductible for 2009!


Ms. D said...

I am so sorry, I made a donation a few minutes ago but missed the spot to put Ralph's/Jeffy's name in the notes field.

You are doing incredible work, keep it up. I know the people of Mississipi really appreciate your efforts.

Virginia Ham

Brittany said...

Ms. D--we figured it out! Ralph/Jeffy knew exactly who you were. :)

Thanks for supporting our team. We are blessed by the work and by those supporting us.