Monday, December 7, 2009

A few statistics

The countdown is on! In 11 days Operation Christmas in Pearlington begins with the first wave of team members heading for Mississippi. 8 days after that the second wave of team members will join the fun. So exciting!

We still have a little ways to go where fundraising is concerned, though. The thermometer is heading up (it changed pictures, btw, because the other thermometer stopped working...geesh!) and we want it to explode! Here's how things break down:

For those going one week it's costs $900. For those going both weeks it's $1200.

6 people have their trip completely paid for.
4 people are within $200 of goal.
6 others have between $201-400 to go.
3 team members need over $400.

In our PayPal Challenge Ralphie/Jeffy is still in the lead with 15 donations...Ellen is in 2nd with 5, Debbie hangs in with 2 and the Waltons are at 1. There's still time to enter the race!

And our little house that has been collecting change has brought in about $100 for building supplies. That's pretty awesome!

If you are a friend of one of the team members, who hasn't yet donated, please consider doing so today. We appreciate all the prayers, financial support and encouragement from our friends and family as we serve as God is calling us to serve!

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