Monday, December 29, 2008

Monday's Round-up

We're still trying to get pictures off of camera's and onto the blog but have found that we're taking fewer pictures this time around...hopefully that will be rectified in the next couple of days. I did post pictures earlier today, so look below this post!

Today was a rare day in Pearlington work...most everyone had something to do all day long.

We started off standing around a little waiting for Ben to drop off some supplies before handing out our assignments. Craig and Bill headed out to Miss Maria's to do more electrical work and soon were calling asking for more help. A crew of 4 manly men (Douglas, Jonathan, Zach and Mark) headed over to haul full sheets of sheet rock out of the house and down probably 20-30 stairs. They wound up staying there all day doing many various jobs. From what I hear they are still learning the value of measure twice, get directions 5 times, cut once.

Joey and a couple others another group that's here spent the morning power washing a tractor. A picture should have been taken of the spotted arms that he came back with. Definitely muddy out there! They joined the crew that went back to Miss Carolyn's house (Jeff, Guy, Adam and Cedar Blvd. Church) to paint, finish tiling, and do various other little projects. I didn't hear much from that group tonight, so I honestly can't tell you what their successes were today!

Miss Anna's crew (Sandy, Lynn, Melanie, Sammy, Debbie, Ellen and Elizabeth from Cedar Blvd. Church ) returned to her house and their paint job. They are priming the entire house and garage and taking great care. Her house is the oldest house in Pearlington but it doesn't look old. Once the paint is on it will be one of the most beautiful homes in Pearlington again. Miss Anna is ecstatic with her crew. She stood at the gate waving and calling out "I love you!" to the crew as they left. They responded with "We love you Miss Anna!" I know there were tears in many eyes. They will be back at it tomorrow!

Gail, Meggie and Regina spent the day painting Ben's shed and putting up trim work as well. It may seem like a little job but something else was happening as well. Ben paid them the ultimate compliment today by handing them the tools, giving instructions and walking confidently away. Gail especially appreciated his confidence in her as he showed her how to use a nail gun and then drove away to other sites where his skills were more in need!

I spent the morning driving around a little but then something amazing happened after lunch. My phone didn't ring for 3 1/2 hours. Not once. I got to stand on a ladder and paint trim (painstakingly in my typical semi-perfectionist tendencies). It was heavenly!

Tomorrow is another day and it's coming up fast. We'll be taking a couple of hours to tour around Waveland & Bay St. Louis, some for the first time. In the meantime it's time for sleep! Good night!

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