Douglas landed in SF last night--back to SLO--luggage to follow
Meggie landed in SF hours after Douglas--luggage?
Jonathan has made it to L.A.--plane complete with TV screens built into the seats that had
individual choices TV and movie choices for his viewing pleasure.
Steven in the air heading to the OC
Debbie, Lee, Gail & Brittany have sprawled out in the lobby at the Hilton to use free Internet and wait on comfy chairs and couches before heading to the airport for their respective flights.
Monday Night update: Steven is home, Debbie is on the ground in SJ, Jonathan is still in the air. Brittany & Gail are in Phoenix at a hotel...Gail is washing some things so that we don't stink profusely on the plane tomorrow because we just couldn't force ourselves to buy Texas t-shirts. We looked, we just couldn't go through with purchasing and, of course, all the shops in Phoenix were closed when we stepped off the plane. Lee is in the air headed for Phoenix.
But now, the saga continues. Where is our luggage? Debbie reports that it's not in SJ. The person from Continental doesn't know where it is either. The good humor that has kept us going this far is quickly dissolving into weariness and frustration. Pray!
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