Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Irony of color

On trip #8 our crew was charged with painting Captain John's house. There are pictures here along with some back story of the colors. I remember opening up the paint can and all of us going...ummmmmmm. The statement we all made was "It's going to dry darker." That's the thing you say when the color in the can is not quite what you expected and you aren't sure you are going to like it, right? Yeah. Autumn Surprise was the color. It was bad. Really bad on the outside of that house. Like really, really orange and bright and wow. It did not blend in with the bayou at.all.

Ben didn't think so either and we changed colors. Autumn Surprise became the base coat, Twilight Jungle became the top coat and all was right with the world.

This week, I'm in a hotel near Disneyland. Our rooms are nicely decorated, with beautiful windows that overlook...well a parking lot but the backside of California Adventure's, which is fun. I was laying in bed, exhausted after our first day when I looked at the wall behind me and saw...(wait for it) AUTUMN SURPRISE!!! No kidding. I can't quite get a great picture of it but I tried. It looks better on the wall than it did on the house, but still...AUTUMN SURPRISE!! What are the chances? :)

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