Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Questionable Future

There are some things that I've trying really hard to not face. The future of the Mississippi trips is one of them. A few weeks ago my brother and sister-in-law started talking about Christmas and the thought ran through my head, "Well, I'll probably be in Mississippi." And then I caught myself. I might not.

I've started the conversation with Ben about another trip. There are a couple of small jobs, but nothing to take a big group to do. In fact, a group 8 would probably be searching for things to do halfway through.

What does this mean? It means that it's time to pray for a couple of things. #1 is discernment and wisdom. #2 is for the electrician that's supposed to be wiring Tom's house to get in there soon and get it going. If that work gets done, then sheet rock can be put up and we've been guaranteed that job.

So start praying folks!

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