Saturday, March 27, 2010

Work begins

We split into two groups today. The fantastically talented team of Debbie, Michelle, Harold and Kanda headed up to Miss Donna's house for some scaffolding and siding fun. The siding is cumbersome and easily broken, which presented a bit of a challenge. The work was slow going for awhile as they waited for the right tools (sound familiar anyone?) but they quickly improvised. A hacksaw was taken apart and used as a saw, giving them the feeling of prisoners trying to escape...said by the crew with the former Jail Sheriff on it.

The equally fantastic and talented team of Jonathan, Joe, Sammy and Brittany went to Captain John's house. Kick boards were kicked out, cut down and began to be replaced so that the tread would be 10 inches wide. What a good thing that would be. Sammy rocked on the screw gun, Joe rocked on the chop saw, Jonathan rocked at measuring boards and Brittany rocked at doing whatever else needed to be done...which usually meant talking with Ben D. (Tom's son) and Mr. Ben. Mr. Ben worked on the railing and hopefully, once these two things are done the house will pass final inspection which means Captain John can move in!!!!

Sammy charmed the local kids at the Community Center today. Captain John's crew headed over to the playground at lunch we were soon surrounded by kids. Sammy was kept busy on the swings pushing kids, watching them play and helping them on and off the swings. It was a pretty sweet moment in the day.

We've had our first round of injuries on and off the work site. Harold can't stop fixing things. He was trying to put a latch plate on a bedroom door at the rental house, was using a knife instead of a screwdriver, pushed a little too hard and the knife folded back on him, slicing his finger. There was lots o' blood, some of which made it's way onto the toilet paper roll. Gross!!!! We've declared that roll Harold's alone.

Joe smashed his thumb with a hammer...that's when he decided to begin using the chop saw. He kept his fingers and thumbs out of the way for that one. It was good.

We're tired, there are lots of bugs but working is good. Time to head to bed! Look for pictures to come tomorrow night!


Anonymous said...

Bugs in MS, you have to be kidding. Bring on the skin so soft. Tell Joe to keep his fingers away from the saw blade.

My word verification in the comment section is dising, go figur

Yo, Momma

Ralphie said...

Do you have internet access where you are staying, or are you hanging out at the Mockingbird Cafe?

Brittany said...

We have internet at the house. Haven't made it to Mockingbird Cafe yet. Hopefully we get there!