Sunday, January 17, 2010

A letter

This is not the letter from Ms. Donna I've talked about in previous posts. This one just came this weekend. This is why we keep going back to Mississippi:

To my Wonderful Friends in California,

It is people like you that are willing to give to us who continue to struggle post-Katrina. People like you are few. It seems that Mississippi continues to be smothered out by the New Orleans shadow. I do know God will continue to work for us through you all and others like you.

I do know that God sent you all to me. I think Him for that everyday. The gift of hope, love and encouragement that you all gave me is priceless. Thank you!

One day, when God decides, my house will be restored. For now I take one day at a time.

I have many things to be thankful for--two fantastic children, Nicolas and Ashley, my son-in-law, Brent, a beautiful one year old granddaughter, Avery, another grandchild due in June, both parents--82 and 78 years old, four sibling, nieces, nephews, great nieces, great nephews and good friends. Most of all, I thank God for giving us His son so that we may have eternal life.

In closing I want to say I have heard many empty promises since Hurricane Katrina. You all have given me action behind your words. When my new found friends left, they assured me that I would not be forgotten. Thank you for everything. My love and prayers are with each of you.

Donna J.

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