Thursday, January 8, 2009

Reflections from Douglas

I really enjoyed this trip a lot more than others for some reason.

I'm not sure I've figured out why yet though. Maybe it's because I'm older, or maybe it's because I had a beard (I don't now). It might have been because several houses were nearing completion and I could really feel, and see, things getting done. Or it might be because I got to hang out with a lot of my friends that I haven't seen in way too long or that Ben trusts us. It could even be that there were a bunch of new people on the trip that I got to know better. It was probably some combination of all of these.

I really love the atmosphere there, it's really relaxing and calming (at least for me), but since I've been back I've been feeling a little lost and frustrated. College life is completely different and I was missing Pearlington as soon as I stepped off the plane and knew I had to head back to San Luis Obispo for work and school. I'd much rather just live in Pearlington and help people any way I can. Heck, I almost want to move home for summer and just help my parents do yard work.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


It always seems that whenever I return home from a trip there is never enough time to just sit and reflect on what has transpired. True to form I had part of day to sleep and rejuvenate before jumping right back into life as I know it. That doesn't mean that there aren't stories to share, just means it may take a little while to get them all out!

In the meantime I'm playing with a new program for pictures from this trip. Hopefully if you click on the link below you'll get to see a photo collage/slide show of the pictures from my camera. There are explanations for some of pictures but I ran out of time. I put more explanations later. Enjoy and please keep coming back here! The team has stories to share!

Brittany MS 6

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Another week done

Our final day has come and is almost gone. It is also the first day of a new year and I couldn't think of a better way to spend it than working in Pearlington. There are many highlights from the trip that I would love to share with y'all, but to be perfectly honest, it's 11pm our time and I'm so tired my eyes won't stay open. I'm gonna run down the basics of today and hope y'all come back to read more stories even after we come home!

Miss Anna's crew did an AMAZING job on her house. They have about 92% of it covered with primer and about half in the final coat of paint. They decided against putting Debbie up on the ladder on top of the scaffolding for safety reasons...which I appreciate! Miss Anna was so appreciative of all the hard work and fed them a fabulous lunch/snack today not to mention Mexican Coffee.

Miss Maria's house crew did a fantastic job with framing and electrical work. I sat and watched Bill test the lights in one part of the house several times to make sure it worked well. And there was a whoop of joy that could be heard up and down the street as the framing crew accomplished their tasks!

Captain John's site had some setbacks today but Joey didn't care! He was trained to drive a Bobcat and was the chief cement hauler. He was also a box coming soon!

Mr. Lee's crew did an fantastic job clearing the yard of debris, dead trees and salvaging items. Every time Mr. Lee would come around a corner and see something else done he would quietly say "Yea!" or "Oh Wow!" before moving onto to another part of the property with a smile on his face. This was also the burn pile site, which suited some people (Meggie) very well.

Tonight we are packing up our bags and getting ready for a few hours in New Orleans tomorrow before we return home. Pictures will need to wait for tomorrow or eyes won't stay open any longer! Good night!